Embarking on a journey with Hatfield Wick Education begins at our Therapeutic Department, a sanctuary where each student finds their footing and builds trust through engaging activities of their choice. In an environment built on safety and respect, we foster relationships that are the cornerstone of a successful, individualised learning journey.

Many of our students join us faced with mental health challenges, neurodivergent needs, or social-emotional hurdles. Commonly, these students have faced difficulties accessing traditional learning due to their unique needs. At Hatfield Wick Education, we transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and learning by dismantling the barriers through comprehensive therapeutic and well-being support.

Every achievement, no matter how small, is celebrated – from completing a craft activity, making a connection with another student, or merely spending time at the centre. Each success builds on the previous, creating a scaffold of positive experiences.

Upon arrival, we conduct a comprehensive assessment using the Boxall profile, a tool to understand a student’s social, emotional, and mental health needs. This information informs our academic planning, ensuring each student’s learning journey is individually tailored.

At the heart of Hatfield Wick Education is a person-centred model of care, where each staff member is trained to work therapeutically with our students. Our approach aligns with our core values, encapsulated in our CARES philosophy:

  • Personalised: Each student’s experience is individually tailored to their needs and interests.
  • Coordinated: We ensure a harmonious integration of therapeutic and academic components.
  • Enabling: We empower students to take an active role in their learning and personal growth.
  • Dignity, Compassion, Respect: All students are treated with utmost respect, empathy, and compassion.

Our person-centred principles are as follows:

  • Holistic Consideration: We value each student as an individual, considering their unique circumstances and potential.
  • Unconditional Positive Regard: Each student is accepted and valued, nurturing an environment of trust and mutual respect.
  • Congruency: Promoting transparency and honesty, our staff model consistent behaviours and attitudes.
  • Empathic Understanding: We strive to understand each student’s experiences from their perspective, ensuring their needs are adequately met.

By supporting students in assessing their emotional needs, using tools like the ‘sones of regulation’, we empower them to become active participants in their wellness journey. Our therapeutic team, including mentoring, coaching, and counselling support, is always available, ensuring students feel safe, secure, and ready for academic learning. At Hatfield Wick Education, we prioritise emotional well-being to pave the way for effective learning, encapsulating our CARES philosophy in action.