What is Hatfield Wick Education, and what services do you offer?
Hatfield Wick Education is a premier provider of specialised education and support for children with diverse neurodivergent needs. We offer a suite of services including personalised educational plans, one-on-one support, small group instruction, social skills development, emotional support, inclusive learning environments, specialised services, transition support, ongoing progress monitoring, and an extensive Outreach Provision.
How does Hatfield Wick Education interface with the Local Authority?
As an organisation commissioned by the Local Authority, we act as an unbiased intermediary, maintaining a neutral stance to ensure fairness and equity for all parties involved. While we do not offer advocacy services for parents, we review all referrals from the Local Authority thoroughly and determine if we can meet the needs identified within our scope of service.
Does Hatfield Wick Education provide advocacy services for parents?
No, Hatfield Wick Education does not provide advocacy services for parents. Our mandate as an entity commissioned by the Local Authority precludes us from offering such services. We are committed to upholding the transparency and honesty that underscores our work and maintaining our role as an impartial body.
What is the role of the SENCO at Hatfield Wick Education?
Our in-house Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) works closely with students, families, and staff to ensure the needs of each child are met in line with their Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and One Planning. The SENCO plays a vital role in facilitating EHCP recommendations, building rapport, and trust between the staff and students through the provision of One Page staff profiles.
Can you tell me more about the Outreach Provision?
Our Outreach Provision is a flexible educational service designed to accommodate students with diverse needs. It provides personalised education for students across three distinct cohorts, with lessons conducted either at our dedicated Outreach Centre or at an off-site venue like a student's home, library, or on-roll school, depending on what suits the student best. Our on-site mentor is always available to provide additional support during face-to-face sessions.
Who will be working with my child?
At Hatfield Wick Education, your child will be in the hands of a highly skilled and experienced team. This includes a dedicated education professional who will create and implement their personalised educational plan, an on-site mentor for additional support during face-to-face sessions, and a qualified therapist who can provide emotional support. Our CEO, who is also a qualified SENCO, is actively involved in facilitating the EHCP recommendations and One Planning.
What support is there for my child's emotional well-being?
We recognise that emotional well-being plays a critical role in educational success, so we provide emotional support to help students manage their feelings, build resilience, and cope with challenges related to anxiety, school refusal, Attachment Disorder, and SEMH concerns. Our compassionate team is trained to handle these delicate situations with care and understanding.
What steps does Hatfield Wick Education take to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment?
We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing learning environment that respects and values the individuality and unique needs of every student. This is facilitated through our personalised educational plans, small group instruction, and social skills development programmes. We also take safeguarding seriously, with dedicated Safeguarding Leads in our team.
How is the transition between educational settings or post-school life handled?
At Hatfield Wick Education, we understand that transitioning between educational settings or preparing for life after school can be daunting. Therefore, we offer transition support to assist students during these periods. We aim to ensure a smooth transition and help students feel confident about their next steps.
What kind of learning materials and resources will my child have access to?
All learning materials needed by the students are provided by us. This includes resources for face-to-face instruction and online sessions, as well as independent study tasks. These materials are designed to cater to each student's unique strengths, challenges, and neurodivergent needs.
How can I get involved in my child's learning journey?
At Hatfield Wick Education, we believe in the power of community and work closely with families, carers, and professionals to ensure a comprehensive support network for each student. We encourage parental involvement and value your insights and feedback.
What if my child cannot attend the Outreach Centre?
We understand that not every student may be able to attend face-to-face sessions at our Outreach Centre. Therefore, we also offer sessions at off-site venues, such as the student's home, a library, or an on-roll school, as part of our Outreach Provision.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
We are always here to help. If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone. Our dedicated team will be happy to assist you.